State University of New York Telecommunications Officers Association


Amended April 20, 2017.

  1. NAME

    The name of the organization is the State University of New York Telecommunications Officers Association.

    The State University of New York Telecommunications Officers Association shall work cooperatively to promote and improve telecommunications within the State University of New York.

    The State University of New York Telecommunications officers Association shall pursue the following objectives:
    1. Act as a channel for communicating matters of common concern among its members.
    2. Coordinate State University of New York telecommunications activities with those taking place on a regional, national, or international basis.
    3. Coordinate telecommunications activities with:
      1. Other state University offices
      2. The SUNY Computer Officers Association (COA)
      3. The SUNY Business Officers Association (BOA)
      4. Other organizations and/or individuals as appropriate
    4. Foster and promote telecommunications training and educational programs for the professional development of the staff of member institutions.
    5. Assist in liaison and cooperative programs with other institutions of higher learning.
    6. Assist and advise State University of New York Central Administration and appropriate related agencies in the process of planning, evaluating, and reviewing State University of New York telecommunications services and resources and in the achieving of the above objectives.

    1. Membership will be drawn from State Operated Campuses and Community Colleges, CUNY, SUNY Central Administration, the State University Construction Fund, and the SUNY Research Foundation. Representatives of SUNY Telecommunications Central Administration (Universitywide OIT), the Research Foundation of SUNY, and the State University Construction Fund will serve as ex-officio non-voting members.
    2. A maximum of five members may be designated from each institution. An institution shall be considered active in TOA if it is represented by at least one member at TOA’s Annual Business Meeting or Spring Meeting.
    3. There will be one vote per institution. The voting representative will be identified to the Secretary prior to all general meetings.
    4. Private colleges in New York State who choose to join the SUNY TOA membership as non-voting associate members, will be entitled to participate in all SUNY TOA Telecommunications functions. Non-SUNY Members must attend at least one TOA event annually to maintain active membership.

    1. The governing body of the State University of New York Telecommunications Officers Association shall be an Executive Council. Council members will be elected by the voting membership in accordance with paragraph 4.3 (above)
    2. Executive Council membership shall be structured according to the following formula: four officers (chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer) and three members-at-large. The Executive Council membership shall be expanded by the inclusion of the immediate chairperson.
    3. Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and three members-at-large of the Executive Council shall be elected and shall serve according to the following election and tenure criteria:
      1. Term of Office - If elected, two years beginning at Spring meeting of the year in which elected or appointed by the Executive Council (when necessary), appointments will be continued only to the next annual meeting when an election will be held to determine an individual to complete the unexpired term.
      2. Attendance - A quorum of four members must be present in order for an Executive Council meeting to be held. If a member of the Executive Council does not attend two consecutive meetings of that Council, or is absent from a total of five meetings of the Executive Council during their term of office, the Executive Council may request this person to resign their position.
      3. Alternating year elections - each year an alternating half of the Executive Council shall be elected. During the odd numbered years, the following Executive Council positions shall be filled: chairperson, secretary, and one (1) member-at-large. During even numbered years, the vice-chairperson and two (2) members-at-large shall be elected.
      4. Tenure - No individual may be elected to the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms on the Executive Council, except when there is an uncontested vacancy, the Executive Council may appoint a member to this term.
    4. The duties of each of the Executive Council Officers shall be as follows:
      1. Executive Council Chairperson
        1. shall be the Executive Officer of the Association
        2. calls and presides over all meetings of the Executive Council
        3. appoints to fill vacancies in the membership of the Executive Council
        4. appoints Association members to ad hoc committees as deemed necessary by the Executive Council. presents an Annual Report to the Association at its annual meeting.
      2. Vice-Chairperson
        1. presides in the absence of the Chairperson
        2. assists the Chairperson.
        3. assumes such special assignments as may be ordered by the Chairperson or the Executive Council
        4. will act as Chairperson for the TOA Newsletter
        5. will act as the Chairperson for the Conference Planning Committee or as otherwise designated.
      3. Secretary
        1. keeps the minutes of the regular and special meetings of the Association and Executive Council
        2. carries out all required correspondence.
      4. Treasurer
        1. records and accounts for all income and expenses of the Association.
        2. will act as facilities coordinator for planning the fall conference or as otherwise designated. 
      5. Task forces and Standing Committees may be created by the Executive Council as need is identified.
  6. Elections
    1. Election of the Executive Council shall be held at the annual meeting of the Association as provided in section 7.1. In such cases where a general membership meeting is precluded by SUNY or Statewide restraints, said election shall be conducted by electronic ballots and all reasonable methods of election security controls which shall be set forth by the Executive Council.
    2. At a meeting before the annual meeting of the Association, the Executive Council shall develop a slate of candidates for the Executive Council.
    3. The Executive Council shall submit its slate of candidates to the membership no more than 90 days, and no less than 60 days prior to the general membership meeting date in which the election is to be held, or the for voting ballot return when an electronic ballot process is necessary. Elected incumbents shall take office upon tabulation of election results.
    4. Nominations may be made by the membership.

    1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at the SUNY Technology Conference. At least one additional general meeting of the Association shall be scheduled each year by the Executive Council. Should general membership meetings be precluded by SUNY or Statewide restraints, the Executive Council shall make every effort to communicate the issues to the membership that would normally be presented at such a general membership meeting utilizing printed or electronic mail methods. This process must include a method for members to return discussions to the Executive Council.
    2. Special meetings shall be called by the Chairperson as necessary or at the recommendation of the Executive Council. However, a minimum of 30 days advance notice to the membership is required.
    3. The Executive Council shall meet as prescribed by its action.
    4. Parliamentary procedure shall govern the conduct of all meetings.

    1. The Association reserves the right to levy nominal annual dues and/or fees of a one-time nature upon the membership.
    2. Determination to levy dues and/or fees upon the membership requires a two-thirds majority vote of approval by the membership.

    The bylaws may be amended subject to the following stipulations:
    1. Bylaw amendments shall be voted on by voting members only and shall be collected in accordance with procedures established by the Executive Council.
    2. Approval of a bylaw amendment (except in 8.B, which shall require a two-thirds majority of approval by the membership) shall require a two-thirds majority of those members responding.